November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

There is a little "frost" on the pumpkin. It is a cold crisp Thanksgiving morn here in Michigan. 
  I have much to be thankful for this year; I hear Mark puttering in the kitchen, see Kelsey watching the parade, smell the turkey cooking, and feel the cool air as Meegan, Ben & Olivia arrive to share the day.  This will be the first year celebrating the holidays without my mom, but knowing she is with Jesus and is free from a body that no longer worked is another reason to be thankful.  I hope you all have a family filled thanksgiving.

November 25, 2008

My First Post

After lurking and looking at many different blogs,  I decided to jump in and test the water.  Outside the snow is blowing and any water is frozen so this first test will be very quick.